Speaking - Science

1. Do you like science
Some people find that science is too complicated to grasp their ideas but personally, I am really into studying science subjects. I love that fact that they give us logical explanations about what is happening around us from natural phenomena to human evolution, how the universe operates, how our body works.

2. What science have you studied?
As other Vietnamese students, I was required to study a wide range of science subjects such as Physics, Maths, Biology, Chemistry during junior and senior high school. I guess that I had a knack for them, I always passed exams with flying colors.

3. How do you study science?
When it comes to science subjects, I am always conscious that formulas and fundamental concepts play an indispensable role. So when I was a high school student, I focused on teachers' lectures to grasp their instruction and then I worked on tons of assignments and homework on my own to revise knowledge. I found this method workable, most of the time I was in top high-scoring students.

4. What is the most difficult part of studying science?
It was definitely heavy homework load. I remember that after each lesson, our teacher gave us tons of assignments which required us at least 3 self-study hours to revise them all. I guess it was because there were so many formulars, chemicals symbols, complex theories that we had to remember.

5. How has the science that you have studied helped you?
Studying science subjects provides us a wide range of benefits. I learned problem-solving skill, logical thinking, careness in Maths and Physics classess.  Besides, they provided my strong foundation of knowledge about surrounding environment. Unfortunately after graduating from high school, I have no longer attended any science classess because of my busy personal life.

6. Do you like watching TV programmes about science?
No, not really. I have a busy and stressful like, so I tend to choose entertaining shows to cheer me up. The only one that arouses my interet is Discovery channel about natural environment and wildlife. They are assessible not heavily scientific.

Describe a science subjects

As other Vietnamese students I was required to study a wide range of science subjects such as chemistry, maths, physics, biology in junior and senior high school. Even though I majored in physics and won a provincial prize for physics at the age of 17, biology was the subject that aroused my interest the most. I found biological knowledge more practical and intesting than other science subjects.
I remember that every week we had 2 sessions. Each session lasted 45 minutes. We are taught about the lives of various creatures on the Earth, animals, plants and also human. Unlike Maths and Physics class when we only have theory lessons, the school allowed us to join the biological laboratory every second week. We conducted several experiments that which showed many things that text books could never do visually. My classmates and I all freaked out when seeing internal organs of a frog, heart, liver, brain or lung. But they were fulfilling experience
It is a pity that because of university entrance exam which mostly focused on Physics, Maths and Chemistry, high school students tend to underestimate Biology. I think many biological knowledge could put into practice, for example, by gaining a strong foundation of knowleage about living organisum we could know how to care for ourselves, animals and plants in proper maner.


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