Speaking - Formulas

1. Do you prefer A or B?

Well, personally, ..........
--> I prefer something/doing something rather than something/doing something
--> I am more into something
--> I am more of A than B
--> I have a preference for...
--> I would rather do something...

2. What are you doing now?

Well, currently,....

3. What does the film talk about?

Well, basically,....

4. What do you think of...?

Well, precisely / specifically,....

5. What is your plan when you....?

Well, hopefully, probably

6. How often / When do you...?

Well, normally / generally speaking

7. Do you like...?

Well, actually / honestly / frankly speaking......
--> I have a fancy for something / doing something
  • Fancy (v): = like = want to do something. " I do not fancy the idea of going out with strangers " or " I do not fancy going out with strangers"
  • Fancy yourself as (v): tự ảo tưởng = like the idea of being something or to believe. "She fancies herself as a famous actress"
  • Fancy (n): have a fancy for something = like something
  • Tickle your fancy = arouse your interest = stimulate your interest. 

--> I am a big /diehard /avid fan of something
--> I am fond of something = love
--> I am fascinated with something = very interested in
--> I am in favor of something/ somebody = support or agree with them
--> I am partial towards... = suport/ agree something
--> I am partial /ˈpɑːrʃlto something = like something very much
--> Something or doing something is not my strength.
--> My go-to one is...

8. Is.. important?

Well, obviously/ definitely/ undoubtedly.....
--> It is beneficial for doing something

9. I think....

--> Personally, it seems to me that
--> From my perspective, I strongly believe that
--> It is my belief that
--> To put it simply : nói ngắn gọn là
--> Well, obviously
--> As far as I am concerned : theo những gì tôi biết
--> To the best of my knowledge : theo những gì tôi biết

10. I can

--> Thanks to ...., I am able to do something/ capable of doing something.

  • Capable (adj) : Be capable of something/ doing something : 
  • Capable (adj) : = competent = skilled : có năng lực

11. I intend to

--> I am planning to
--> I have decided to
--> I am thinking of doing something

12. I do not intend to

--> It is not my attention to 
--> This mater came first to my attention when /that ....: tôi nhận thấy điều này khi 

13. I need to

--> I should have to ....: tôi đáng lẽ phải
--> I am supposed to/ expected to: phải làm

14. I do not need to

--> I am not obligated to...

15. I hope

--> Well, hopefully
--> I expect that

16. Make me

--> Something/ doing something enable me to
--> Something/ doing something empowers me = allow me


As well as / Apart from / Besides
  •  I have a fancy for Japanese cuisine as well as Korean cuisine
  • Apart from selling electronic products, Apple stores also provide software, electronic components, and accessories. 
  • Besides pop music, I am into listening to rock as well as hip hop


Because / Simply because / Mainly because / since / as / this is due to the fact that
  • I am fond of American TV series mainly because I consider that it is beneficial for boosting my spoken English level.
  • I am more of swimming pools since swimming there is much safer than swimming in the sea.
  • I am fond of junk food simply because it is cheap as well as convenient. 
  • I suppose that watching English movies boosts/enhances my English level since I could continuously and constantly expose to new vocabularies. 


But, yet (conjunction = nevertheless), while, whereas, however, on the other hand
  • This film is hilarious, yet a little bit sad = tragic in the end
  • I was accepted/admitted (allow to join/ enter) by a foreign university, but the major was not what I wanted to pursue.
  • The accountant supposed that these numbers are correct. However, he has just discovered some mistakes.
  • Tourism industry could promote local economy (=local economic development), on the other hand, it could lead to serious environmental disasters if human relies too much on it.  


Even though, although
  • Although everybody was against her at the very beginning, she won the final competition/round.
  • She won the final round even though no one was bullish on her performance at the very beginning. Bullish (adj) = confident (in a bullish mood).
  • Although I have achieved/ obtained driver's license for more than 5 years, I rarely drive on the street. 
  • The shop assistant here were hospitable /welcoming even though they knew that I am not going to buy anything.
  • I am fascinated with dancing even though my body coordination is poor. -> move to the beat . sự phối hợp giữa các bộ phận. 


Unlike A, B tends to....
A is, while B is likely to...
Compared with A, B is less likely to...
A prefers whereas B tends to....
It seems that most locals tend to, and I am no exception, I would say that...
It seems that most locals tend to, but I can say the same for myself / I guess I am a little different, so actually

  • Unlike small cities, the life pace in big cities tends to be faster.
  • The life pace is slower in small cities, while it is likely to be faster in big cities.
  • Compared with big cities, the life pace in small cities is less likely to be faster.
  • Compared with big cities, living expense = living cost in small cities is likely to be lower. 
  • Unlike foreign films, the film themes of this country are likely to be monotonous and humdrum. /məˈnɑːtənəs/
  • Young generation prefers listening to dynamic music while old generation tends to enjoy more relaxing music. 


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