Speaking - Expression

1. Express about yourself
+ I am a bit of
+ Something you should know about me is that
+ I do not know about other people but personally.....

2. Comparison
+ I prefer doing something rather than doing
+ I am more into something rather than
+ I am more of.......I am not much of..........

3. Show feeling
+ Absolutely yes
+ Absolutely not

4. Express when you have no idea
+ I am clueless about
+ I do not know the first thing about
+ I have no idea about

5. Showing your interest
+ Avid fan of / shopaholic / avid coffee lover
+ diehard fan of
+ my go-to one is

6. Not a bit + adj : không một chút nào cả (at all)
I am not a bit worried about the exam

7. Tickle my fancy (v -idiom): khiến tôi thích
The unique design of this house tickles my fancy.
If you find something that tickles your fancy, I will buy it for you.

8. Lateral thinking (n): tư duy ngoại biên, tuy duy đường vòng
a way of solving problems by using your imagination to find new ways of looking at the problem
I think people should develop their lateral thinking rather than linear thinking when dealing with difficulties.

9. Be/feel out of your depth in something: not having knowledge or skill, experience to deal with particular subjects or situations. : không đủ kiến thức, không đáp ứng được, bất lực
I was out of my depth in advanced class, so my teacher advised me to move to the intermediate class.
I always struggled at school. I hated it and felt out of my depth.

10. There is no part that stands out as being more difficult than other parts.

11. Arouse /əˈraʊzmy interest (v) : = stimulate my interst : khiến tôi thích thú

12. Free from work (v) have free time ~~~ Get off (from) work: xong công việc
When I

13. Dig deeper into something (v) : đào sâu thêm, học thêm

14. Not a great one for sth (v) không phù hợp với

15. Raise my curious about sth (v) kích thích trí tò mò

16. Not much interest in sth (v) không có hứng thú về

17. To the best of my knowledge (v): theo những gì tôi biết

18. By no means = certainly not (adv)
By no means can I travel without my company.
By no means can I fit this working environment.

19. Specialize a wide range of cuisines from all over the world

20. A health conscious (n): người có ý thức về sức khỏe

21. Take every good thing in my life for granted (v) : xem những điều có được là hiển nhiên

22. The food is tasty and yummy = delicious.

23. Considerate and thoughtful.

24. dow-to-earth (adj); practical, reasonable
--> I am a diehard fan of her beacause unlike other politians, she is down-to-earch and honest with no pretension.
--> I have to be dow-to-earth to chase after my dream.
25. Free public transport = fare-free transit = zero-fare transport.

26. Financial incentive

27. It is well acknowledged that

28. Promising = highly demanded industry

29. Hunger for doing somthing

30. bottleneacks

31. Look for some breakthrouhg

32. My competence

33. Create favorable condition

34. On payday ->treat myself to something

35. Điểm nổi bật
--> My hometown features....
--> My hometown is the birthplace / place of origin of traditional
--> My hometown has worldwide reputation for...
--> When it comes to..., is the first thing that comes into people's mind
--> The biggest feature of ...is..
--> The most unique characteristic of ... is...

36. Time-honoured (adj): tradition , practice, method is respected because it has been used for a long time in the same way: lau doi
--> The time-honoured cultural relics in my hometown such as

37. Precise

37. be in the offing
the university entrance exam is in the offing.


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