Speaking - Books

1. Book genres: (n)/ˈʒɑːnrə/
-> Historical fiction, drama, comic book, autobiography
Ex: When it comes to book, I am a easy-going person. I can read various books with different genres as long as they do not have much violent content.

2. Reading habit (n)
-> A good bedtime reading, reading before bed
Ex: A good bedtime reading is good for children.

3. Author = writter (n)
Ex: The author of this book is a big name in Vietnamese literature. /ˈlɪtrətʃə(r)/

4. Central character (n)

5. Plots:
Ex: This book has a great plot that makes me engrossed in it.

6. Type of book (n)
-> Paperback, printed books, electronic books
Ex: I think paperback would disapprear in the future since people would be more conscious /ˈkɑːnʃəs of environmental problems. 

7. Bookworm (n) = an avid fan of books = big reader
Ex: Although I am an avid fan of printed books, I think this type of book would disappear in the future.

8. Page-turner (n) = rewarding book
-> Can not put it down = can not get my eye out of = read from cover to cover
Ex: This book is a real page-turner. I read it from cover to cover.

10. Give something two thumbs up (v) = adore
Ex: This book is a real page-turner. I would like to give it two thumbs up.

9. Boredom-buster (n) = kinds of entertainment
Ex: Compared to other recreational activities like watching TV or playing game which are fairly critical, reaking is absolutely a good boredom-buster.

10. Entitle (v)/ɪnˈtaɪtl/
Ex: Lately, I am into a book entitled Becoming.

11. Heavy-going (adj)
Ex: In the morden days, life is too stressfull, I do not think people will go to heavy-going books for relexation. I suppose that comic books or drama would be the most-favored genres which are more fun and entertaining.

12. Touching (adj)
Ex: Becoming of Michael Obama is a touching book that I was totally engrossed in it.

13. Hillarious (adj)
Ex: The writter has a good sense of humor. All his stories are so hillarious that I can remmember all vividly.

14. Internationally acclaimed books (n)
Ex: The book was internationally acclaimed as a must-read book for young women.

15. Heart-wrenching (adj)
Ex: It was the most hear-wrenching story that I have ever read.

16. Flick through books/ magazine/ channel (v): quickly look at
Ex: I am an avid fan of printed books. I get pleasure from flicking through cover to cover. My eyes get tired of looking at pages on computers.

17. Curl up with a good book (v) = read books
Ex: Nothing makes me happier than staying at home and curling up with a good book.

18. Why do people read?
-> for relaxation or pleasure -> staying at home and curling up with a good book -> all worries melt away.
-> for their profession -> gain knowledge and expand understanding of particular topic

19. How important do you think reading is?
-> a good boredom-buster
-> provide a window to the world -> expand their understanding about places, topics that they might never cross in their real life -> a nutritious /nuˈtrɪʃəs food for the brain 
-> awake our interests in--------= boost my imagination

20. What kinds of book is popular?
-> No heavy-going books -> comic books and drama would be the most-favored genre -> more fun and entertaining + escape from reality

21. How reading will change in the future?
-> Envolve as human -> avid fan of printed books but they would disappear -> environmental problems -> various book with different genres would be available online for all users to download.

Describe your favorite books?

Something you should know ut me is that I am a bit of bookworm. My friend and I usually attend book community exchange to read, discuss books and exchange books to other members. We have created our small libraray with various books and different genres. Lately, we are really into a book entitled Becoming of Micheal Obama who is the First lady of the US' former president.
There are three reasons why I love this book dearly.
Firstly, I has been a diehard fan of Micheal for a long time. She appears as a charming, powerful, broad-minded and honest women. Unlike other politicians who seem to be affected, I found that she always gives killer speeches from the heart, so they touch audience. When I was surfing the Internet and


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